DID JOHN T. GIVENS BUILD THE HISTORIC STRINGER HOUSE IN 1842? Crucial to determining the construction date of the Stringer house, who built it and who it was built for, is to determine when John T. Givens came to Tampa.
building...was originally built for Dr. Sheldon Stringer, father
of the present city physician who was named after his father.
It was built in the fifties by contractor John T. Givens, who
built a number of houses of this type and class about that time." Could early Tampa carpenter John Givens have built the historic Stringer house and was it before or after the great hurricane of 1848? (Continued below after W. A. Givens.)
Burgert Bros. collection at the Tampa-Hillsborough County
Public Library
JOHN T. GIVENS--COULD HE HAVE BUILT THE STRINGER HOUSE IN 1842-43? (Continued from above.) Listed immediately before the Stringers on the 1850 census was carpenter John Givens and his family. The John T. Givens homestead was described as being on the southeast corner of Lafayette and Morgan Streets* which was 2 blocks east and 1 block north of the Stringers house. *See note on Karl Grismer's history of the Givens home below.
This 1847 survey updated with structures as late as 1853 shows that walking the most direct route, there were 3 or 4 very small structures between the Stringers and the Givenses. Whether or not these were dwellings would depend on if there was any effort made to draw them to scale. In 1927, the Givens house property became the Hillsb. Lodge 25. Caddy-corner from there is where the Knights of Pythias lodge was built in 1913.* The relative size of the courthouse and the surrounding circular picket fence indicates this is the McKay courthouse which was replaced by the Breaker courthouse in 1854. This is why the structures on this survey are believed to be not later than 1953.
Grismer, in his History of Tampa, wrote concerning the
construction of the Knights of Pythias building in 1913, that the Pythians lodge was built at the
former homestead site of John T. Givens; the southeast corner of Lafayette and Morgan. We know
that the Hillsb. Lodge #25 was built in 1927 on the site of
the Givens home, and this map is showing a home at that
location but not at the K.o.P. location Could
Grismer be confused about which lodge was built where the
Givens home once stood?
It is apparent from the above sources that John T. Givens could not have constructed the Stringer home in 1842 because he wasn't in Tampa from 1836 through Dec. 25, 1848. It also wasn't built for Dr. Sheldon Stringer in those times.
It should be kept in mind when viewing the street plat surveys in this feature, that Tampa's streets in the 1840s were a far cry from what you see in these 1880s maps. The stories you read here reference locations on streets that existed when the story was written, but were nothing much more than rough trails in the 1840s. See the Winchell article of Oct. 11, 1924 further down. |
The Stringer house in relation to the county courthouse in 1884. The courthouse at left was built in 1854 and is the one in the photo below in 1889. Known unofficially as the "Breaker courthouse." it was built at a cost of $5,000 and was used until 1891. Of course, it also had a picket fence to keep the animals out of the courtyard. The entrance faced Lafayette St (on the right of the photo below.) It replaced the previous one which was built by James McKay, Sr. in 1848. No photos exist of the McKay courthouse, which was quite a bit smaller, 20 ft x 45 ft. and cost the taxpayers $1,358. The McKay courthouse is the one most refer to as the "First courthouse" although it was really the 2nd one. The actual first structure used as a courthouse, a log building, was burned by Seminole Indians in 1836, and possibly stood in "Courthouse Square" the northeast corner of Lafayette St. and Franklin St.
This 1889 Sanborn map from the UF digital maps collection is the earliest that shows the area along Morgan Street. The Stringer property is outlined in yellow. The Methodist Church can be seen in red at the northeast corner of Lafayette and Morgan. Compare to Jackson's plan of Tampa which showed a Baptist church planned for there and the Methodist property across Lafayette to the south. Evidently, the plan wasn't followed for the placement of these churches. But the Givens home isn't shown on this map, not even on the southeast corner where the Knights of Pythias lodge was built in 1913, the location specified by Grismer in his 1950 "History of Tampa..." A viable explanation would be that John T. Givens built his house where indicated in blue on the above map, then by 1889 it had been razed. In 1913 the Knights of Pythias lodge was built where you see vacant property at the southeast corner, and then in 1927 the Hillsborough Lodge No. 25 was built where the Givens house stood. D.B. Givens's story of the Hillsb. Lodge No.25 being built where his father's house was doesn't necessarily mean that the house was still there when that lodge was built. Perhaps he built a new home which we see on the southwest corner of the intersection.
Burgert Brothers photo from University of South Florida Digital
Collection |
The extreme height of the building, from the pinnacle of the tower to the ground is 68 feet; and the whole is being beautifully finished in a combination of the Grecian, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. The plan was drawn by the contractor, Mr. Breaker, who has engaged to erect the building, for a sum less than $5000. The execution of this contract, we are satisfied, will be attended with considerable loss to the builder, unless the generosity and liberality of the County Commissioner’s shall interpose to prevent it, for the credit of our Town and County, we hope they will, and not in any stingy manner. Development of the
Stringer-Stalnaker house block and courthouse block through the years. |
1884 - The "Breaker courthouse" on the block north of the Stringer house. It consisted of the 2 1/2 story county courthouse and the 2-story jail, both were wood frame buildings. |
1884 - The Stringer house shared the block with various other wood frame businesses: grocer, general store, barber, billiards, bakery, restaurant, a small stable, and two smaller dwellings. Notice the creek that ran down the middle of Jackson St., "dry in summer." Dr. Stringer had been living in Brooksville since the end of the Civil war, late 1860s. Mary Stringer was living here with her children in 1860 but appears to have moved to Brooksville with her son and daughter by 1870. Mary died in 1874 and was buried in the Stringer plot at Oaklawn. The house was still part of the Stringer Estate in the 1880s.
(Continued after City Organization section below.) |
Development of
Courthouse Square and the Stringer block (cont.)
1887 - Four saloons had opened along Franklin Street. Two cement/stone structures are situated along Jackson St. -- a tin shop and paints & oils shop. The house still belonged to Sheldon Stringer as the Stringer Estate. Dr. Stringer married in 1874 had been living in Brooksville since the end of the Civil war, late 1860s. |
1889 - At the courthouse block in 1889, no major changes were done to the building, but the armory and jail are no longer there. Ladders can be seen propped up against the building as seen in the previous photo. This would be the time period of the Burgert Bros. photo which showed ladders, one of only two known existing photos.
1889 - The great fire of Aug. 1887 wiped out the entire east side of Franklin St. In 1889, all brick structures occupied the block (at far left.) The Stringer house, the only wood frame dwelling left, was miraculously spared. It still belonged to Sheldon Stringer and was called the Stringer Estate. Dr. Stringer had been living in Brooksville since the end of the Civil war, late 1860s. This is the time period of the famous "Tibbetts Corner" photo, but the corner was on the west side of Franklin St., not seen on this map.
On April 23, 1889 a bond election was held for the issuance of $100,000 of 7% bonds for internal improvements which included the construction of a city hall, fire station and street paving work. The result of the election was that 489 votes were cast in favor of the bonds, 7 against, and 6 marked "no bonds." The election was ratified on April 26 by the city council and the bonds sold to W. N. Coler & Co. of New York on May 15, 1889, and delivered through T. C. Taliaferro on June 17th. On May 5, 1889, the city council chose Augustus "Gus" C. Wuerpel as Fire Chief with A. J. Harris and Manuel Rodriguez serving as first and second assistants, respectively.
In early July, 1889, the site was selected to build a brick city hall. The Stringer property was chosen at a sale price of $2,000. Apparently the Stringer property extended the entire length of the block along Florida Ave, from Jackson St. to Lafayette St., because the house itself was at the corner of Florida and Jackson.
On Aug. 19, 1889, the city purchased from Dr. Sheldon Stringer and wife Margaret, the property on which their house was located, from Jackson St to Lafayette St. along Florida Avenue. The deed transferring the property indicated $2,000 was paid along with an agreement that the property would be used for building the new city hall.
The new city hall was to be built on the north half of the property and no mention is made of the Stringer house itself which occupied the south half of the lot. The house would remain to be later used as offices/living quarters for police and/or fire personnel.
On Oct. 2, 1889, the council passed a resolution ordering $10,000 of the $100,000 fund appropriated to the building of City Hall. City council records during the construction phase are virtually non-existent until nearly a year later, Sept. 3, 1890, when a resolution was passed ordering estimates be obtained for the lighting of the building. This was probably due to the Board of Public Works handling the matter.
In 1915 when the Tampa Times wrote about a new city hall replacing this one, they had to rely on memories of W. H. Beckwith, a jeweler and watchmaker/clockmaker, to provide some details, because they couldn't find anyone else who could even remember when it was built.
In mid-May, 1890, James Bullivant, the contractor who was awarded the contract to build city hall, skipped town without a trace, leaving several projects unfinished. Prior to this, he had been a prominent contractor and builder in the city for the past 5 years; in fact, he was the leading contractor, having built the Lykes block, all of the Campbell block, the Sparkman and Gould blocks, and several others. He was described as a "pushing, energetic and hard-working man" and was regarded as an honest and reliable builder. At his point, Bullivant had drawn out all but about $1,100 of the approximate price of $10,000. He owned a fine home in Highland Park but had mortgaged it for $3,000 a few days before his departure, taking most of the money with him. It was thought that he did not make much out of the contracts he left and that he really lost money on them. It seems to be a case of too many underbids. It was also noted that for the past two months he had been drinking too much and it was believed that he had gone west.
1890, June 5 - The owner and editor of the Tampa Journal, H. J. Cooper, took the Bullivant disappearance as an opportunity to criticize the Board of Public Works by stating the "unfinished City Hall and the Jackson Street ditch are both monuments to the stupidity and incompetency of the Board" and "We believe that it is the unanimous sentiment of the business men and tax payers of Tampa that the members of the Board should tender their resignations."
In those
days, the mayor served as judge in the municipal court.
The Sep. 4 article below was part of a
much longer story which began with the reporter's fictional version
of the city hall officials' wailing disappointment and lamenting
that the furnishings weren't as extravagant as they previously
described in an April 24 of the same style,
where he interviewed the City Clerk asking how the place was going
to be furnished (excerpts of which appear earlier in this
feature above.)
On Sept.17, 1890, another resolution was passed to purchase furniture not to exceed $1,000. On Oct. 8, 1890, bids were advertised for the provision of jail cells for the city hall.
Photo courtesy of Tampa's Bravest/Tampa Firefighters Museum
Circa 1900
The above is a Burgert Brothers re-photograph of one that appeared in the mid-winter special edition of the Jan. 21, 1900 Tampa Tribune. The tower is often referred to as a "cupola" and it housed the fire alarm bell for this district. At the far left edge can be seen a small portion of the Stringer house. The horses and wagons on the left appear to be the Tampa fire department or this may be a funeral procession.
It would appear that the cupola was
repaired in Dec. 1902 or early 1903, but finally had to be removed
in 1906 and seems to have been something worth documenting by photo.
A portion of the roof missing at this time might be an indication
that the repairs had not yet been completed.
By late 1902, the cupola was causing leaks which led to more problems, such as plaster falling from the ceiling. "It is rotten, in fact, the entire building is in danger of tumbling when the dynamiting begins in the channel." The problem had apparently existed by 1899 at which time Chief A. J. Harris condemned it, but it was patched up. The floor had sunk 3 inches.
An estimated 2 to 3 tons of books, ballot boxes and booths in the attic was putting too much strain on the floor joists.
The following week, they changed their mind.
Circa 1911 - Tampa City Hall and Tampa Police Headquarters built in 1890 at 315 Lafayette.
When the Fire Dept. moved to its new headquarters on Zack St. in summer
1911, this old City Hall was remodeled to accommodate
Police Headquarters with more space and the signage would probably have
been changed at that time to no longer show Fire HQ.
Most all of the City offices had moved out into other rental spaces
in the area. This is why this photo was very likely not taken in 1905.
Florida Avenue is on the
left, Lafayette St. is on the right.
Photo courtesy of the Burgert Bros. collection at the Hillsborough County
Public Library Cooperative
Below right: The 1892 Sanborn map from the Univ. of Fla. digital map collection shows the building two years after the description below.
A portion of the
Stringer house is visible at far left. Below "Headquarters"
can be seen the entrance to Municipal Court. By 1903, the two
double doorways were for parking of fire vehicles.
Newspaper boy at the former stable doorway. |
Fire alarm call box. |
Hanging out at City Hall. |
Horse and buggy parked in front of City Hall. Notice the elaborate street lamp in the background. The dark globes may have been colored blue, red or green. |
COUNTY COURTHOUSE, OLD BREAKER COURTHOUSE SOLD AND MOVED On Jan. 7, 1891, the council invited the county commissioners to use the city hall during the process of building the new county courthouse, provided that the commissioners would pay half of the lighting expenses.
Jury being sworn in at the old 1892 county
courthouse, Nov. 1920.
Photo courtesy of Burgert Bros collection at the USF Digital Library.
The Judge
Notice the Nov. 1920 calendar and Dan Ackroyd doppelganger.
The Jury
Primary sources for pre-1850 Tampa history:
Historic photos courtesy of
USF Special Collections Digital Archives
University of
Florida Digital Collections, George Smathers Library
Florida Memory Project Photograph Collection, State Archives
Burgert Brothers Collection, HCPLC
Library of Congress Digital Collections
**USF has once again changed their URLs. You'll need to locate these resources on your own. Good luck.