Heights Elementary School
Seminole Heights School is located at Central Ave. and Hanna Ave. not too far north of Hillsborough High School.
View to the right of the above photo.
View to the left of the first photo, along Central Ave.
This marker is placed at the head of the sidewalk that leads to the school's front entrance.
View from the south side of Hanna. Originally, the school was located on the
south side of Hanna where the Seminole Heights United Methodist Church is located.
The school was moved across the street before 1927.
Other Tampapix pages on Seminole Heights area sights
Hillsborough High School Memorial Middle School Seminole Hts. Elementary School
Seminole Hts. United Methodist Church Seminole Motel Sign Arts Group Bo's Ice Cream
Seminole Heights Community Websites:
A Brief History of the Founding of Seminole Heights History of Seminole Heights